On April 23, the Duchess of Cambridge gave birth to her third child in a posh London maternity center called the Lindo Wing inside St. Mary’s Hospital, where a small army of attendants looked after her and Prince William for 24 hours in a secluded, luxurious room at a cost of $8,900, according to the
Economist. Mother Kate and her
8-pound, 7-ounce baby boy are hale and hearty by all accounts.
Most Western Europeans and Canadians, of course, don’t deliver babies in the Lindo Wing. Otherwise, however, their treatment and outcomes are pretty much consistent with the royal couple’s. Parents pay nothing for their maternity care and delivery, with low risks of maternal and infant mortality.
Americans, by contrast, are saddled with the worst maternal health care in the West. If they do not realize their system is in scandalous disrepair, it is only because they have become inured to it.
average American woman gives birth in a noisy hospital with few frills or amenities and for an average cost of $12,290. Everything is quite average, in terms of quality and aesthetics in the birthing environment, except, on a worldwide scale, the costs. Should she require a cesarean section (an average of $16,907) or any emergency services, her bill could swiftly soar above $30,000. Have premature triplets and costs top
$870,000. Young parents, at the beginnings of their careers and earnings, are on the hook for thousands of dollars, regardless of what health plan they may have.
Meanwhile, the U.S. infant mortality rate in 2017 was 6.1 deaths for every 1,000 births, which is about three times higher than Japan’s and is one of the worst death rates in the entire Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). America
leads the wealthy world in maternal death rates
by far. According to the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation at the University of Washington, 26.4 mothers
died of pregnancy-associated causes in 2015 out of every 100,000 births, which is three times the rate of the next worst, the United Kingdom, and more than six times the maternal mortality rates of Finland, Denmark, and Italy.
According to the
National Academy of Medicine, the United States lags far behind the rest of the OECD for a long list of health problems, including maternal and infant mortality. In the OECD, only Turkey and Mexico had higher infant mortality rates than Mississippi, and the state with the best infant mortality in the United States — New Hampshire — would still rank way down at 28 in OECD stature.
From 2001 to 2010, compared with the rest of the OECD, “the risk of death in the US was 76 percent greater for infants and 57 percent greater for children ages 1-19.” For the last two years,
average life expectancy in the United States has fallen backward, now at a male/female combined 78.7 years. The average for the rest of the OECD? 80.3 years.
Americans also pay for the privilege of these terrible results. In 2016, Americans spent
$3.3 trillion on health care, almost 18 percent of GDP. One
study found that Americans used health care services at about the same rate as Europeans — perhaps even less — yet paid nearly
twice as much for just about everything. As health economics analyst Martin Gaynor
put it to NBC News, the whole health system is on an upward spiral, ultimately hurting patients the most: “When health care costs more, that means health insurance premiums are higher and when premiums are higher, employers pay more. Employees indirectly pay for most of that,” with higher deductibles, copays, and premiums.
Thanks to the Affordable Care Act (ACA), also known as Obamacare, fewer Americans are uninsured in 2018, though the Congressional Budget Office estimates that
changes made by Republicans to the ACA will lead to loss of insurance for
9 million Americans by the end of 2019. But even the so-called fully insured quickly discover the U.S. system’s inadequacies as soon as they suffer a serious illness. A teacher in Andover, Massachusetts, says she was
firedwhen the school board discovered her son’s cancer care cost $1 million. A woman recovering from back surgery was slapped with a
$17,850 bill for lab tests that her insurer, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Texas, refused to cover. Even Medicare recipients are
suffering, with a third of them in 2013 spending at least 20 percent of their total annual income on out-of-pocket health costs.
Today, tens of thousands of Americans are
crowdfunding their health care, searching for help to offset the costs that their insurance companies refuse to cover. The crowdfunding website YouCaring has a special section for
medical fundraisers, through which strangers are asked to help pay for, for example, a teenager named Edoardo’s stage 3 cancer care or the treatment and physical therapy for teens Angel and John — he, shot by an unknown assailant and left paralyzed, while she is in a coma after having been run over by a vehicle fleeing the scene. Another popular crowdfunding website,
GoFundMe, also has a special medical section, where Orla raised $80,000 for a lung transplant; Janie, $19,000 for Lyme disease care; Dave, $43,000 to deal with his brain tumor; and Tara, $30,000 for post-stroke rehabilitation.
It has come to this. America is a nation of beggars, forced to seek the pity of strangers who may, in turn, choose who shall live based on charity and who shall die for lack of financial support. A blonde 2-year-old girl in a ballerina tutu may garner more such kindness than a black 10-year-old boy in a Black Panther suit, who in turn gleans greater compassion from the online masses than a 50-year-old gunshot victim or an elderly Latina dying from diabetes. It’s like a macabre version of the 1950s TV show
Queen for a Day, in which needy women pleaded for a fridge, dishwasher, new flatware, or a smart set of work clothes and an “applause-o-meter” was used to measure studio audience choices.
In a sensible health care system, there are no applause-o-meters; insurance actually covers patients’ costs; drugs and medicines are purchased in volume to bring down those prices; and life expectancy is independent of personal income. But America never had anything approaching such health care, and many on Capitol Hill would like to see the role of government as both a financer and regulator of health further diminished.
Prince William is
estimated to be worth $40 million, and he stands to inherit some of his grandmother’s estate valued at well over $1 billion just in real estate. He can afford to spend the $8,900 for the best maternity care available in the U.K. Sadly, that is a burden few American couples aged 20-24, earning on average $27,300 per year, or 25- to 34-year-olds, with an average household income of $40,352 per year, could manage. But, of course, none of them can hope to find a hospital that will provide such a princely birthing bargain in the first place, as costs in the United States, for everything from basic to high-end care, are far higher. Even if they are fortunate enough to be well-insured through an employer plan, young Americans are likely to face deductibles of $3,000 to $5,000.
The results is that the royal couple paid about 0.000025 percent of their wealth to have their third child. For the less grandly wealthy young couples in the U.K., the National Health Service bears most of the costs of vaginal childbirth. Costs for a typical young couple having their first child in the United States are
13 times more than those shouldered by their U.K. counterparts. A typical set of U.S. parents puts out about 10 percent of their wealth to pay the uncovered portion of maternity costs.
It may be an overstatement to say that every American baby deserves to be born in the equivalent of the Lindo Wing, costing just $8,900. But it damned well ought to be true that every mother goes through labor in a safe, clean, comfortable setting, her baby caught by a competent caregiver, without parents fretting over how in the world they will pay their newborn’s medical bills.
Letter to the editor: Canada’s single-payer system works
If you want everyone to have access to good medical care, move away from the current profit-based system.
Portland Press Herald - May 7, 2018
In his
letter to the editor May 2, Don Vose of Naples argued that a single-payer health care system would not serve us well, referring in part to Canadians “forgoing” their single-payer system.
This may be a commonly held view, but it is not accurate. A poll by Nanos Research found that
86.2 percent of Canadians support the single-payer system and want to strengthen it, rather than move toward a private insurance-based model. This is because on the whole, regular people are well served by this system. Under a single-payer system you will not find yourself in a “coverage gap,” you are not charged a dime if you get hit by a car and you will never go bankrupt if you get cancer, no matter what.
I have experienced both health care systems after marrying a U.S. citizen and moving to Maine. In Canada I had a great doctor, could stop in any walk-in clinic in town if I needed and was always able to access the specialist care I required. Here, I know many people without health care coverage, and I fear that with one wrong move or unlucky break I could be forced to join their ranks.
Altogether, Canada’s single-payer system is not as radically different as some think. A mix of private businesses (including doctors, the majority of whom are self-employed) bill the government for the services they provide; as a rule, the government doesn’t own facilities or employ health care professionals.
Bottom line: If you want everyone to have access to good medical care, move toward single-payer and away from the current profit-based system.
Hillary Barter
Love the 'Smart' Functions in EHRs? I Don't
Shortcuts aim to make entries easier, but the reality is more complicated
How smart do we want our electronic health record to be?
Somewhere between as dumb as a piece of paper and a pen, and too smart for our own good.
Many, many years ago, before we spent the majority of our office visit staring at a flatscreen LED and typing away, our charts were simple manila folders with those bendy metal bars that allowed you to insert new pages, separated into multiple sections with cool little colored divider tabs.
You'd open up the chart, find the most recent progress note, go to the end of that one, and just start writing.
Sure, there were red pages that listed allergies, little flags that said whether the patient was a smoker, yellow pages where a patient's medical problem list were supposed to be kept updated, a separate page for medications, then a lot of laboratory and imaging and miscellaneous sections.
Paper and pen.
Not much room for natural language processing, population health management, data analysis, or artificial intelligence.
If you wanted to find out something, you had to go back and flip through the pages. Trying to remember when an event took place, whether this had happened before, trying to spot trends in their blood pressure or their renal function, all took place manually.
And remember all the chart reviews we had to do manually if you were interested in doing a research project?
Stacks of charts piled on your desk, incredibly labor-intensive work digging through all those pages trying to find what you're looking for.
Today, we have something more, something smarter, and yet we are still going through growing pains trying to figure out how to have the electronic health record work for us instead of the other way around.
Those who designed it are convinced that it fills our needs, that it gives us everything we want.
Now, it's certainly better than what we had before.
Remember the countless hours we spent tracking down lab reports, radiology reports, or consultant notes, and then manually having to put them into the chart?
Refilling medications has become a breeze, and despite all our complaints about the button clicking it takes, it's clearly worlds better than in those earlier days, that exasperated feeling we used to have at the end of an appointment when a patient would say "Oh yes, and I need all my medicines".
Handwriting out a dozen or more prescriptions on a paper prescription pad, or even worse a triplicate form for controlled substances, would leave us with cramps at the end of a long day of refilling meds.
And I can trend someone's complete blood count to spot a gradual developing problem.
And I can reconcile medications from outside sources.
And for our patients who see specialists and subspecialists within our own institution, their consultation notes are instantly available for us to view, to know what happened at those appointments.
But some of the bells and whistles that have been built really don't add much to care, and they were often created by people who think they are making our lives easier.
As part of our institution's plan to do a huge conversion to bring every provider within the organization under the same electronic health record, we've been going through the functionality piece by piece, line by line, to see what's there, to try and figure out what to put in for everyone to use, to try and standardize, minimize, streamline.
Each area of clinical care, Emergency Medicine, Critical Care Units, Surgery, ENT, Ob/Gyn, Pediatrics, Adult Internal Medicine, and so on, each has their core team of clinical advisors who are going through all of the tools and widgets that providers have available to document the care of our patients within the electronic health record.
The goal set for the team is to figure out what is useful, and what is not, to make a limited number of suggestions for things to add or change, and hopefully find a lot of things we can get rid of.
Just recently we started going through all of these in a weekly conference call, and all of the providers on the phone have been amazed at what's there.
Most users of electronic health record barely scratch the surface of the functionality that hides within.
But are these worth it?
Do the macros, templates, forms, and smart sets, really make our lives and the lives of our patients better?
Take for instance those Smart Sets.
They were created to help streamline an episode of care around a single clinical situation that providers within that specific specialty frequently encounter.
They are an attempt to make it easier to collect the history, a review of systems, physical exam, and place any orders specific to the management of that particular problem.
There's a Smart Set for just about everything.
Sinusitis. Routine well woman exam. Chest pain. Upper respiratory tract infection. Urinary tract infection. School health form.
The list just within outpatient adult primary care goes on for several pages, and each different specialty has their own list of shortcuts, macros, and templated texts.
Often these take the form of sections where you can move from question to question, toggling between yes or no, present or absent.
Take for instance gastroenteritis.
Here's a little bit of the Smart Set that is built into the electronic health record for patients presenting to the office with symptoms suggestive of gastroenteritis:
Subjective: This <AGE> year old <GENDER> presents with these symptoms:
Abdominal pain:{YES/NO:***}
Nausea: {YES/NO:***}
Fever: {YES/NO:***}
Duration: ***
Relevant dietary history: ***
Similar illness in contacts: {YES/NO:***}
Recent antibiotic use: {YES/NO:***}
Past Medical History/Diagnosis Date:
Objective: BP ***/*** | Pulse *** | Resp ** | SpO2 **% | Breastfeeding? No
Gen: well-nourished, well-developed ***male, NAD, healthy-appearing
Head: normocephalic, atraumatic
Eyes: EOMI, anicteric sclerae, pink conjunctivae
CV: RRR, no murmurs/rubs/gallops appreciated, PMI- 5ICS-MCL
Lungs: clear to auscultation b/l, good air exchange, no respiratory distress
Abdominal exam:
Bowel sounds: {ABDOMEN AUSCULTATION:***}
Rebound: {YES/NO:***}
Masses: {YES/NO:***}
Ext: no edema
Assessment: Gastroenteritis
Plan: Current Outpatient Prescriptions on File Prior to Visit: <PULLED FROM ACTIVE MEDICATION LIST>
Patient Education:
Pt counseled to drink frequent small amounts of clear fluids (especially Gatorade), then advance diet as tolerated. May try BRAT diet if desired, use meticulous hand washing, avoid dairy products for now, and rest as much as possible. Pt to call or return if high fever, worse abdominal pain, severe weakness or fainting, or bloody stools occur or if sx not fully resolved in 2-3 days.
These things are designed so that if there's something I see frequently, using this Smart Set will make my life easier, as I can quickly flow through these fields to fill in the information to give me a fully fleshed out history, physical exam, and plan for care of the problem.
The problem is, for most of the things we do, there's nuance in how patients present, how we interpret it, and how we proceed down the clinical pathway that helps us get to a decision.
Rarely is one presentation enough like all the others that these templates are really going to end up saving us much time.
True, there certainly are things that we do exactly the same way every time, and if we can find ways to save on keystrokes, clicks, and typing, then more power to those who provide them.
But for those of us who live and breathe in the words of the history, the subtleties of the physical examination findings, and a carefully crafted assessment and plan, this often feels like we're trying to squeeze our patients into a rigid set of yes/no questions that they rarely comfortably fit into.
Just the other day, I saw an elderly patient with gastroenteritis, and it was only after I'd finished typing my history, documenting relevant findings on her physical examination, and clearly stating my plan for what we were going to try next, did it even occur to me to try typing the commands that brought up the gastroenteritis Smart Set.
In some ways, it looked a lot like my note, but it felt cold, sterile, and clinical -- and not in a good way.
Maybe we should get better at using these, and maybe we should try to figure out ways to make them feel more natural, more like the way we really take a history and document what we find.
Our hope is that the electronic health record can evolve in the future, become more than just a glorified word processing system, and that together we can learn to harness its computational power and the new tools of natural language processing and artificial intelligence to help us identify gaps in care, recognize trends, start to become proactive and predictive in the care we provide rather than reactive.
I'm sure lots of folks out there using this functionality of the electronic health record really love using shortcuts, and I'm not saying we should get rid of them all.
But as we build a 21st-century tool to help us take care of our patients, we need to insist that it's not just templates and macros we need, but a smart electronic system that stands by our side and augments the care we provide.
Surge in 'Deaths of Despair' Hits the US
by Megan Brooks - Medpage Today - May 3, 2018Gaps in mental health care services are pervasive in the United States, at a time when deaths from suicide, alcohol, and drugs have surged, according to a new report released today by the Commonwealth Fund.
The combined rate of deaths from suicide, alcohol, opioids, and other drugs — sometimes called "deaths of despair" — increased 50% from 2005 to 2016. Rates rose in all states, doubling or more than doubling in Delaware, New Hampshire, New York, Ohio, and West Virginia, the report notes.
What's more, the pace seems to have picked up. Average annual growth in deaths of despair was 3% per year from 2005 to 2014 but tripled to 9% from 2015 to 2016.
"This is one of the most troubling mortality trends we see in this year's report," David Radley, PhD, senior scientist at the Commonwealth Fund, noted in a media briefing outlining key findings from the Commonwealth Fund's 2018 Scorecard on State Health System Performance.
The report assesses all 50 states and the District of Columbia on 43 measures dealing with access to healthcare, quality of care, efficiency in care delivery, health outcomes, and income-based healthcare disparities.
"The Scorecard reports, published since 2006, are a comprehensive overview of how well the healthcare system is working for the American people," said David Blumenthal, MD, president of the Commonwealth Fund.
Although the 2018 Scorecard report provides some "good news about the direction we are heading, we do continue to see wide disparities between states," said Blumenthal.
"Also of concern are some areas where we see no progress or even reversal of positive trends. For example, life expectancy has fallen, in large part due to the opioid epidemic; premature deaths from preventable or treatable causes are increasing in many states; and obesity rates continue to rise representing a public health crisis of grave concern," Blumenthal said.
Unmet Mental Health Care Needs
The report confirms that accessing mental health care is tough in the United States. Up to one quarter of adults with a mental illness reported a need for care that was not met during the 2013-2015 period, and up to one third of children needing mental health treatment in 2016 did not receive it. Across states, 41% to 66% of adults with symptoms of a mental illness received no treatment in 2013-2015.
Deaths from treatable conditions are also moving in the wrong direction. After trending downward for most of the past decade, there has been an uptick nationally in premature deaths from preventable or treatable causes — a measure called "mortality amenable to health care."
Two thirds of states saw an increase in 2014-2015 in this measure. In six states — Colorado, Maine, Nebraska, Oklahoma, Vermont, and Wyoming — the increase was greater than 5%.
"Premature deaths are on the rise in states across the country. Some of this is driven by deaths from substance abuse, but increases in deaths from treatable conditions is a sign that healthcare systems are also falling short," said Radley.
Obesity remains an ongoing public health threat as well, the report notes. In Mississippi and West Virginia, the proportion of adults who are obese reached 39% in 2016. Even in states with the lowest rates, a quarter of all adults are obese.
Best, Worst Performers
Still, on balance, the 2018 report shows that across all dimensions of performance of state healthcare systems, there was more improvement than worsening from 2013 to 2016 — a reversal of what happened during the 2000s, when progress stalled or perfomance worsened.
By region, New England, the Upper Midwest, and several states in the West are at the top of the overall rankings. Southern states generally rank at the bottom.
By individual state performance, Hawaii, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Vermont, and Utah are the top-ranked, and Louisiana, Oklahoma, and Mississippi are the bottom-ranked.
California and Oregon made the greatest gains, jumping 9 and 10 spots, respectively. Both states expanded eligibility for Medicaid.
New York improved on 18 of the 37 indicators tracked over time, the most of any state. Arkansas, Louisiana, Oklahoma, and West Virginia each improved on 17 indicators.
The report also shows that the expansion of Medicaid has led to gains in access to care. In 47 states, the rate for adults aged 19 to 64 who are uninsured was at least five percentage points lower in 2016 than it had been in 2013. Eleven of the 13 states in which there was at least a 10-point drop had expanded Medicaid overage by January 2016. During this time, there was also a drop in the percentage of people reporting that they had not gone to the doctor when needed, owing to cost. States that expanded Medicaid coverage saw greater improvement, on average, than states that did not.
"Scaling back or even repealing pieces of the Affordable Care Act could put many of those improvements that we see in the Scorecard in jeopardy across states," Radley warned.
The report concludes that if every state achieved the performance of the top-ranked state on each indicator, the gains in healthcare access, quality, efficiency, and outcomes would be "dramatic." With the current rates of improvement, however, it may take many years or decades for states and the nation to see such progress.
Physicians, Patients Frustrated by Unexplained Care Costs
by Marcia Frellick - Medpage Today - April 26, 2018
NEW ORLEANS — Physician frustration was evident during a session on how to talk with patients about the costs of care on the closing day of the American College of Physicians (ACP) Internal Medicine Meeting 2018.
Patients don't know what costs are coming. And physicians often don't know what care costs because insurance status, type of insurance, negotiated rates, deductible status, and other factors affect specific charges.
When recommending options, doctors must find a balance between optimal care and the financial stress that can prompt a patient to discontinue treatment.
Experts offered resources for estimating costs and provided examples of how patients and physicians can lower healthcare bills.
Patients Want to Know Prices
Unfortunately, few of these discussions are happening.
Of the 1011 adults surveyed in 2017, only 18% reported that any healthcare provider had spoken to them about financing options in the previous 2 years. And 35% of respondents expressed concern about paying a bill of less than $500.
Out-of-Pocket Costs on the Rise
Time off work, parking, transportation, cafeteria meals, and childcare must be factored into the overall cost of care, as must the indirect costs of anxiety and depression.
Desiree Bradley, a patient advocate and family adviser at Texas Children's Hospital in Houston, described her own experience seeking care for her daughter who has medically complex issues.
In the previous 2 weeks, her daughter had 11 appointments. "That's 11 copays and 11 days of parking," she pointed out. The ancillary cost for those 11 visits was $1300.
Patients Are Paying for More Than Just Care
"I go to sleep dreaming about the healthcare costs that we may have coming up," Bradley said.
The timing of services matters when a patient has a high-deductible plan, said Wendy Nickel, MPH, director of the Center for Patient Partnership in Healthcare at the ACP.
"Last year, in January, my son was diagnosed with scoliosis," she reported. "We were following his curve over time and I probably saw the doctor four times. The doctor never talked with me about what the cost of care might be if we had to brace my son. I never brought it up either. It didn't occur to me."
Higher Deductibles Mean Tough Choices
In December 2017, Nickel's son had to be fitted for a brace. "We went to get fitted and it wasn't going to arrive until the beginning of January — when the deductible started again and I would be out of pocket $3000, she said.
"Had I known the mechanisms and talked about costs throughout the year, I might have pushed to have his brace provided in December," Nickel explained. "It ended up that I did push and was able to get his brace on December 29. I take responsibility in this. I was not as engaged as I should have been around the mechanisms of my healthcare plan."
Where to Find Cost Estimates
Five online resources that provide information on costs were recommended by Jessica Dine, MD, a pulmonologist from the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia, who collaborates with the ACP on issues related to high-value care.
Barriers to Cost Discussions
Physicians in the audience shared why conversations about cost don't always happen:
It is hard to talk with patients when expenses can be way beyond a patient's reach, said Kathleen Volkman, MD, an internist from a neighborhood outpatient clinic in Seattle affiliated with the University of Washington.
Some patients — even those with diabetes who need insulin and those with asthma who need an inhaler — stop coming in rather than racking up bills, she told Medscape Medical News.
"The preferred alternatives are sometimes $200 to $300 a month," she explained.
Bias Can Hurt Cost-of-Care Discussions
Project Implicit is a nonprofit organization and international collaboration between researchers who are interested in implicit social cognition — the thoughts and feelings outside of conscious awareness and control.
"We are going to assume some patients can pay and some can't, whether because of race, gender, obesity, age, whatever," Dine explained.
Possible Cost-Reduction Options
Patient advocate Bradley told the audience she was able to cut costs by asking a few questions when her daughter had 11 medical visits in 2 weeks for unexplained seizures.
One day, her daughter underwent head-to-toe imaging. The next day, another provider ordered almost the same complete imaging to look for something else. Bradley asked whether the first set of images could be used for the second request and, after referrals to two more providers in the hospital, the answer was yes.
Eliminating the duplication saved her a few hundred dollars. "At the end of the day, we have to make some hard choices," Bradley said. "Some days, I'm faced with deciding whether I'm going to pay my mortgage or provide the care she needs."
Cost-saving options to keep in mind:
Talking About Costs Can Improve Outcomes
"What are patients going to do if they can't afford your $5000 test?" Dine asked. "They're not going to do it, and then they're going to get labelled nonadherent," she pointed out.
"Conversations are going to improve outcomes because you're going to figure out how to get it done or what to do instead," she said
On Anniversary of House Obamacare Repeal, Democrats Look to Extract a Price
by Thomas Kaplan - NYT - May 2, 2018
WASHINGTON — A year ago Friday, Representative Claudia Tenney of New York stood among dozens of enthusiastic colleagues in the Rose Garden to celebrate passage of a bill to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act. When President Trump made his way onstage, Ms. Tenney clapped and smiled.
On this not-so-happy anniversary, a Democratic “super PAC” is on the air with a television commercial reminding her constituents of a repeal vote that Republicans were once convinced would be a political winner. Ms. Tenney’s Democratic challenger, Anthony Brindisi, a state assemblyman, said health care is consistently one of the top issues in a vast district that runs from Lake Ontario through Utica and Rome to the Pennsylvania border.
“I think her vote is wildly unpopular among constituents in the district,” Mr. Brindisi said. “And what adds insult to injury is that she celebrated her vote by snapping selfies of herself at the White House, gleefully cheering a vote that would take health insurance away from thousands of her constituents.”
House passage of the Obamacare repeal bill left that chamber’s Republicans in a no-win situation. They took the hard vote, but because the Senate failed to follow suit, no one can claim a victory. Now Democrats hope to extract a price. Far from the liability that the Affordable Care Act has been in past elections, Democrats believe health care will be a key advantage heading into this fall’s midterm elections.
Mr. Brindisi said the repeal bill, the American Health Care Act, would have had devastating effects on the district that Ms. Tenney represents in upstate New York, harming hospitals that are important to the local economy and diminishing access to opioid treatment.
But in an interview last week, Ms. Tenney, a former state assemblywoman who is in her first term, showed no sign of regret.
“The real issue is, how are we going to make health care affordable again?” she said. “We polled ‘repeal and replace’ twice,” she added. “People want Obamacare repealed in the majority in my district.”
On one level, the passage of the House repeal bill was a political achievement for Republican lawmakers; after years of campaign promises, they could tell their political base that they had done what they had pledged to do, even if the Senate stumbled once the baton was handed over to that chamber.
But viewed another way, the House repeal bill amounted to a political gift to Democrats. Opponents said its enactment would have left people with pre-existing medical conditions unable to afford health coverage and would have resulted in health plans that omit benefits that are currently required, like maternity care and mental health services. Republicans said Democrats’ claims were exaggerated, if not false. But the bill never became law, and supporters have no way of getting real-world evidence to rebut them.
A year ago, Democrats warned that Republicans were practically begging voters to unseat them. When the repeal bill narrowly passed the House, Democratic lawmakers serenaded their Republican colleagues with, “Na na na na, na na na na, hey hey hey, goodbye!”
Just this week, they gained an assist from an unlikely figure: Tom Price, Mr. Trump’s former secretary of health and human services, who said that ending the requirement that most people have coverage, known as the individual mandate, would increase costs for people buying insurance.
To mark the anniversary of House passage, health care advocates are holding events around the country this week. On Friday, a coalition called Save My Care plans to air a television commercial that reminds viewers about the House bill and concludes with the narrator saying, “We won’t forget.”
Representative Tom Cole of Oklahoma, a former chairman of the House Republicans’ campaign arm, cast doubt on how much of an effect the repeal bill would have in midterm races.
“I don’t think talking about a bill that didn’t happen is particularly effective,” he said. “People punish you for things that you do successfully, not for things that never happen just because you cast a vote.”
Mr. Cole suggested that a more significant risk stemmed from Republican voters who are disappointed that their party’s lawmakers ultimately failed to repeal the health law despite years of promises. “It’s more a matter of deflating our base than enraging the other side because they’re already pretty enraged and energetic, anyway,” he said.
Then there is the question of how much health care will remain a prominent issue when last year’s repeal effort is an increasingly distant memory.
“My fear is that there’s all this salacious stuff — there’s all this focus on Russia and Stormy Daniels and Michael Cohen,” said Laurel Smith, 57, a health care activist in New Jersey whose congressman, Tom MacArthur, played a pivotal role in passing the House repeal bill. “It’s easy to get distracted.”
Ms. Smith said she had previously voted for Mr. MacArthur, a Republican, but now backs his Democratic challenger, Andy Kim. Ms. Smith’s 27-year-old son, who has a chronic and incurable disease, has been volunteering for Mr. Kim’s campaign.
Mr. Kim, a former National Security Council staff member in the Obama White House, said he wants every voter to know about Mr. MacArthur’s role, which landed him a speaking slot at the Rose Garden ceremony.
“He wasn’t just a yes vote,” Mr. Kim said. “He’s got his name on it.”
Mr. MacArthur said he was not worried.
“The reality is I didn’t come here to be a potted plant,” he said. “I came here to work on problems facing the American people, and health care costs are hurting my constituents.”
But that Rose Garden ceremony remains a touchstone.
Elissa Slotkin said she was contemplating a run for Congress when she saw her Republican congressman, Mike Bishop of Michigan, at that Rose Garden celebration.
“He was smiling and beaming and proud and thrilled,” she recalled. “I turned to my husband and said, ‘You do not get to do this. You don’t get to ignore the public and vote against their interests and keep your job.’”
Ms. Slotkin, a former senior official in the Defense Department, jumped in. She is seen by the House Democrats’ campaign arm as a formidable challenger.
Mr. Bishop bristled at his critics.
“In order to win this, the Democrats have infused fear and panic, and they have done so by misrepresenting the truth,” he said. “If you need to do that to win, then count me out, because I would never do that.”
Trump to Drop Call for Medicare to Negotiate Lower Drug Prices
by Robert Pear - NYT - May 10, 2018
WASHINGTON — President Trump will lay out on Friday a broad strategy to reduce prescription drug prices, but in a break from one of his most popular campaign promises, he will not call for Medicare to negotiate lower prices with drug manufacturers, senior administration officials said.
The White House will issue a blueprint that represents “the most comprehensive plan to tackle prescription drug affordability of any president,” a senior official told journalists on Thursday night.
Asked if the plan would include direct negotiations by Medicare, the official said, “No, we are talking about something different.”
“We are not calling for Medicare negotiation in the way that Democrats have called for,” the official said later. “We clearly want to make important changes that will dramatically improve the way negotiation takes place inside the Medicare program.”
As he campaigned for the presidency, Mr. Trump boldly broke with his party and embraced a longstanding Democratic proposal when he called for the federal government to use its buying power to negotiate lower drug prices for Medicare recipients. The proposal was popular with voters but not with other Republican politicians, who had been battling it for years.
Under Part D of Medicare, millions of older Americans receive insurance coverage for prescription drugs. The benefit is delivered entirely by private entities under contract with Medicare. These private entities — insurance companies and the middlemen known as pharmacy benefit managers — negotiate prices with drugmakers. But under a 2003 law, the federal government “may not interfere” in those negotiations.
The president’s plan will make it easier for private plans to negotiate “better deals for our seniors, especially for high-cost medications,” said the senior administration official, who spoke on the condition that he would not be named. The official refused to provide details, which he said would be disclosed on Friday.
Congressional Democrats said they would like to work with Mr. Trump on plans to rein in drug costs, but they predicted that his proposals would be inadequate.
“On the campaign trail, he spoke like a populist,” the Senate Democratic leader, Chuck Schumer of New York, said on Thursday. “He talked the talk, but he has failed — at least so far — to walk the walk.”
Mr. Trump plans to speak in the Rose Garden of the White House to an audience that includes members of Congress and patients who have suffered because of high drug costs.
“Other countries use socialized health care to command unfairly low prices from U.S. drugmakers,” said a summary provided by the White House on Thursday. “This places the burden of financing drug development largely on American patients and taxpayers, subsidizes foreign consumers, and reduces innovation and the development of new treatments.”
The United States spends well over $300 billion a year on prescription drugs sold at pharmacies and other retail outlets, and Medicare and Medicaid account for nearly 40 percent of that spending, according to the Department of Health and Human Services.
Mr. Trump plans to criticize brand-name drug manufacturers for setting high list prices and for trying to stifle competition by delaying the marketing of lower-cost generic drugs. He is also expected to criticize pharmacy benefit managers, saying they profit from rebates paid by drug companies but do not pass on much of the savings to patients.
Mr. Trump has repeatedly said that drug companies are “getting away with murder.”
In his State of the Union address in January, he said that “fixing the injustice of high drug prices” was one of his top priorities for 2018. “And prices will come down substantially,” he said. “Watch.”
As a presidential candidate, Mr. Trump supported two ideas that are anathema to the pharmaceutical industry: allowing Medicare officials to negotiate prices and allowing consumers to import prescription drugs from Canada and certain other countries where brand-name drug prices are generally lower than in the United States.
But top administration officials, like Alex M. Azar II, the secretary of health and human services, and Dr. Scott Gottlieb, the commissioner of the Food and Drug Administration, strenuously oppose those ideas. Republicans argue that the federal government has such overwhelming power as a buyer that it could basically set a price that manufacturers would have to comply with.
And since taking office, Mr. Trump has not endorsed such proposals.
Many ideas in the president’s “blueprint to lower drug prices” can be carried out unilaterally by the secretary of health and human services. But the blueprint also includes several legislative proposals from the president’s 2019 budget request.
One legislative proposal would allow low-income people on Medicare to obtain free generic drugs, without co-payments. Another would, for the first time, establish an overall limit on Medicare beneficiaries’ out-of-pocket costs for prescription drugs. Mr. Trump also wants to lower costs for consumers at the pharmacy counter by requiring Medicare drug plans to pass on at least one-third of the rebates they receive from drug manufacturers.
Mr. Azar, testifying on Capitol Hill on Thursday, described the problem this way: “Prescription drug costs in our country are too high. List prices are too high. Seniors and government programs are overpaying due to lack of negotiating tools. Out-of-pocket costs are too high. And foreign governments are freeloading off of our investments in innovation.”
Democrats are driving for a more aggressive approach. Representative Peter Welch, Democrat of Vermont, said: “We acknowledge that drug companies make life-extending and pain-relieving drugs, and that’s a good thing. But the price gouging is killing patients.” Consumers, he said, are being “held hostage to the pricing power of Big Pharma.”
The Food and Drug Administration approved 1,027 generic drugs last year, a record, and nearly 90 percent of prescriptions are filled with generic medicines, for which consumers often pay less than $25.
But increasing numbers of costly new brand-name drugs are also entering the market. Some provide highly effective treatments for some forms of cancer and other diseases. But the prices sometimes exceed $100,000 a year, and even patients with health insurance may be responsible for tens of thousands of dollars in co-payments.
The Health 202: Here's why it's a nightmare to lower U.S. drug prices
by Paige Winfield Cunningham - The Washington Post - May 3, 2018
Whatever President Trump suggests next week to lower U.S. drug costs, don’t forget this cold, hard fact: It’s extremely difficult to make sweeping reforms to a health-care system as piecemeal as ours.
If you’re employed, you might have coverage through your job. If you’re a senior, you have some version of Medicare. If you’re a low-income American, you may qualify for Medicaid. If no insurance is available to you through those avenues, you’ve probably bought subsidized, private coverage through the state-based Obamacare marketplaces. Or, maybe you’re simply uninsured.
Health insurance typically isn’t such a patchwork system in other countries with wealth comparable to the United States. In Canada, Australia and many European nations, the government plays a far greater role in delivering coverage, keeping people's out-of-pocket costs low — and putting a damper along the supply chain on how much private industry can pocket from medications.
It’s true that spending on pharmaceutical products has been rising just about everywhere in the past three decades, as specialty medicines for complex or rare, chronic conditions such as cancer, rheumatoid arthritis and H.I.V. have become more widely available.
But in the United States, average spending on prescription drugs exceeds $1,000 per person per year — a hefty figure compared to, say, the United Kingdom, where it’s $497, or even Switzerland, where it’s $783.
It’s a situation garnering increasing attention from liberals and conservatives alike. Policymakers from Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) to Trump to his top health chief Alex Azar have been sounding the alarm that the government and individuals are paying far too much for prescription medicines.
Speaking yesterday at the World Health Care Congress, Azar said action on drug costs is “desperately needed.” He listed several problems he said “plague drug markets” — including high list prices, the government’s lack of negotiating tools, rising out-of-pocket costs for consumers and other countries “free-riding” off the investments of U.S. companies in developing high-cost specialty drugs.
Trump proposed a
smorgasbord of policies in his 2019 budget aimed at tweaking prices downward.
But Azar hinted the president may suggest bolder reforms in his speech next week, although he didn’t provide specifics.
“HHS is currently working with the president on a comprehensive strategy to solve these problems,” Azar said. “We’ll be building on the proposals in the president’s budget, but he wants to go further.”
Books could be — and have been — written on why drug costs are so high in the United States. The prescription drug industry is perhaps the most complicated ecosystem I’ve tried to understand, driven by all sorts of pricing pressures along the supply pipeline. But it’s possible to boil down a few key differences between the United States and other developed countries who are able to offer cheaper medicines to their citizens.
Here they are:
1. The U.S. government has less leverage over how much drugmakers are paid.
The most significant avenue available for the government to influence drug prices is through Medicare’s prescription drug program,
which covers about 42 million elderly and disabled Americans. Prices for medicines offered in these Medicare "Part D" plans are negotiated between pharmaceutical companies and the private insurers who bid for the right to sell the program's plans.
In the past, Trump has joined in calls from Democrats to allow the government to directly negotiate prices with the drugmakers, thereby pushing down prices. It’s unlikely — although possible — the president will call for Congress to make such a change in his address planned for next Tuesday.
But there’s a plethora of ways other countries attempt to rein in drug prices — such as by capping how much government plans will pay for them, regulating how much the industry can charge private insurers or limiting markups along the supply chain.
England’s National Health Service, which is the country’s main buyer of drugs, sets payments based on a government evaluation of the drugs’ cost-effectiveness. Germany’s sickness funds, which are its version of a public-health insurance system, also apply a
value assessment to medications to determine reimbursement levels.
These price levers are harder for the U.S. government to come by because of the point outlined earlier: Our health insurance system is a lot more fragmented. Only about one-third of Americans are on some form of government-sponsored insurance. And the U.S. government has traditionally played a much smaller role in regulating private industry overall.
“[Other countries] have policies in place that are more centralized in the pricing of their drugs,” said Shawn Bishop, a vice president at the Commonwealth Fund. “They have policies in place that directly link the price of the drug to the value of the drug — we don’t have anything like that.”
2. There’s less regulation along the supply chain.
Paying for drugs isn’t a simple matter of what the manufacturer charges. As companies sell their medicines to pharmacies, which in turn bill private or government insurance plans, pharmacy benefit managers (known as PBMs) act as middlemen to negotiate which drugs are covered and how generously.
The system is further convoluted by increasingly common rebates that drug companies pay to PBMs. Critics charge these rebates incentivize PBMs to favor higher-cost drugs or charge insurers more than they’re charging the pharmacy — and pocketing the difference.
Translated, it’s a lot harder to find the list price of drugs, there is a huge imbalance in what different payers are charged and plenty of room for all the involved parties to try to get a bigger piece of the pie via markups and transaction costs.
In most other wealthy countries, the government puts a lot more limits on prices along the supply chain, said Anna Kaltenboeck, program director of the Center for Health Policy and Outcomes at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center.
“I don’t see Express Scripts operating in Germany, for example,” said Kaltenboeck, referring to the country’s largest PBM.
3. Drug companies use coupons to lower prices for consumers while they raise their medications’ list prices.
There’s another practice growing increasingly popular in the United States. Drug companies are offering coupons to customers to incentivize them to buy brand-name drugs rather than generics. While these coupons lower consumers’ out-of-pocket costs, they ensure their insurance plans pays for more expensive drugs. By 2016,
one in five brand-name drugs in commercial insurance plans used a co-pay assistance coupon.
This practice isn’t found in other developed countries, where patients’ out-of-pocket costs tend to be more fixed and much lower, Kaltenboeck told me.
“It allows manufacturers to increase prices and maintain very high prices,” she said.
Trump’s Plan to Lower Drug Prices Diverges From Campaign Promise
by Robert Pear - NYT - May 11, 2018
WASHINGTON — President Trump vowed on Friday to “bring soaring drug prices back down to earth” by promoting competition among pharmaceutical companies, and he suggested that the government could require drugmakers to disclose prices in their ubiquitous television advertising.
But he dropped the popular and populist proposals of his presidential campaign, opting not to have the federal government directly negotiate lower drug prices for Medicare. And he chose not to allow American consumers to import low-cost medicines from abroad.
He would instead give private entities more tools to negotiate better deals on behalf of consumers, insurers and employers.
Speaking in the sun-splashed Rose Garden of the White House, Mr. Trump said that a “tangled web of special interests” had conspired to keep drug prices high at the expense of American consumers.
“Everyone involved in the broken system — the drugmakers, insurance companies, distributors, pharmacy benefit managers and many others — contribute to the problem,” Mr. Trump said. “Government has also been part of the problem because previous leaders turned a blind eye to this incredible abuse. But under this administration we are putting American patients first.”
His proposals hardly put a scare into the system he criticized.
Ronny Gal, a securities analyst at Sanford C. Bernstein & Company, said the president’s speech was “very, very positive to pharma,” and he added, “We have not seen anything about that speech which should concern investors” in the pharmaceutical industry.
Shares of several major drug and biotech companies rose immediately after the speech, as did the stocks of pharmacy benefit managers, the “middlemen” who Mr. Trump said had gotten “very, very rich.” The Nasdaq Biotechnology Index rose 2.7 percent on Friday. CVS Health, which manages pharmacy benefits for many insurers and employers, finished up 3.2 percent.
Mr. Trump and other Republicans are eager to show an achievement on health care this year to counter arguments by Democrats who say that Americans are losing coverage because of Mr. Trump’s efforts to sabotage the Affordable Care Act. Soaring pharmaceutical prices are directly hitting consumer wallets, and high-profile cases — like the sudden jump in the price of EpiPens or the jailing of the hedge fund manager Martin Shkreli, who greatly increased the price of a drug under his control — have turned pharmaceuticals into a hot political topic.
Many of Mr. Trump’s ideas can be put into effect through regulations or guidance documents. Some will require legislation.
Republicans in Congress welcomed the president’s attention to high drug prices and promised to review his proposals, which Mr. Trump said would “derail the gravy train for special interests.”
Democrats embraced the opportunity to push health care back to the center of the political debate.
“President Trump offered little more than window dressing to combat the rising cost of drugs — a problem that is pinching the pocketbook of far too many Americans,” Senator Chuck Schumer of New York, the Democratic leader, said after the speech. “We Democrats have offered a better deal on prescription drugs through true transparency, Medicare Part D negotiation, and a cop on the beat to police and stop exorbitant price hikes.”
After supporting some of those same proposals on the campaign trail, Mr. Trump pivoted to a different approach. He said his administration would provide new powers for Medicare’s private prescription drug plans, known as Part D, to negotiate lower prices but he would not use the purchasing power of the federal government to conduct direct negotiations. He said he would make it easier for pharmacists to inform patients of cheaper alternatives and would speed the approval of over-the-counter drugs “so that patients can get more medicines without prescription.”
Mr. Trump also denounced foreign countries that he said “extort unreasonably low prices from U.S. drugmakers” so that their citizens often pay much less than American consumers for the same drugs.
“America will not be cheated any longer, and especially will not be cheated by foreign countries,” Mr. Trump said. He directed his trade representative to “make fixing this injustice a top priority” in negotiations with every trading partner.
“It’s time to end the global freeloading once and for all,” Mr. Trump said.
It is not clear why higher profits in other countries would be passed on to American consumers in the form of lower prices, and officials in those countries pushed back hard.
“With our price regulations, drug companies are still making profits — just lower profits than in the United States,” said Dr. Mitchell Levine, the chairman of Canada’s Patented Medicine Prices Review Board, which reviews prices to ensure they are not excessive.
The administration floated several ideas that could radically change the marketing of prescription drugs.
Alex M. Azar II, the secretary of health and human services, said the Food and Drug Administration would explore requiring drug companies to disclose list prices in their television advertisements.
The government, he said, will consider whether to “outlaw rebates” — the discounts and price concessions that are a key link in the drug supply chain. Pharmacy benefit managers are hired by insurers and large employers to negotiate lower drug prices, but they also receive rebate payments from drugmakers, creating a potential conflict of interest, the administration said.
Mr. Trump said he would end “the dishonest double-dealing that allows the middleman to pocket rebates and discounts that should be passed on to consumers and patients.”
Mark Merritt, the president and chief executive of the Pharmaceutical Care Management Association, which represents drug benefit managers, said the real problem was the high prices set by drugmakers.
“Getting rid of rebates and other price concessions would leave patients and payers, including Medicaid and Medicare, at the mercy of drug manufacturers’ pricing strategies,” Mr. Merritt said.
Thomas M. Moriarty, an executive vice president of CVS Health, said his company already offers clients the option to share rebates and discounts with consumers when they fill prescriptions.
Experts said some of the president’s ideas could help lower drug prices.
“It’s framed as a pro-competitive agenda, and touches on a range of government programs that the administration can change through regulation — so that the president can take unilateral action,” said Daniel N. Mendelson, the president of Avalere Health, a research and consulting company. “The trick here for the administration is to do something visible before the midterm elections, so they can take credit for an action that reduces drug prices for consumers.”
Mr. Trump’s “blueprint to lower drug prices” has four main themes: increasing competition in drug markets; giving private plans more tools to negotiate discounts for Medicare beneficiaries; providing new incentives for drug manufacturers to reduce list prices; and cutting consumers’ out-of-pocket costs.
The administration would lower out-of-pocket costs for Medicare patients by requiring prescription drug plans to pass on some of the discounts and rebates they receive from drug manufacturers. Patients could see those savings at the pharmacy counter. At the same time, Medicare officials say, there could be a modest increase in premiums for Medicare drug coverage.
Health policy experts like this idea because it reduces the burden on patients with serious chronic illnesses and spreads the expense of needed medications across the entire insured population.
But Democrats said Mr. Trump’s policy prescriptions fell far short of what was needed, especially next to the populist promises he made during the 2016 campaign.
“I think very expensive champagne will be popping in drug company boardrooms across the country tonight,” said Representative Elijah E. Cummings, Democrat of Maryland, who has been investigating drug prices for the last year. “The president is apparently abandoning his campaign promise to authorize Medicare to negotiate directly with drug companies to lower prices.”
Administration officials were somewhat defensive about the president’s plan, saying it was bold and significant even though it was not what Democrats wanted — or what candidate Trump favored.
In a round of television interviews on Friday, Mr. Azar said the president’s plan included “over 50 different initiatives — very sophisticated, the kind of thing you’d expect from a C.E.O. like Donald Trump, getting at the real heart of the business problem.”
Mr. Azar said the president’s plan would “unleash those who negotiate for us with the greater powers of the private sector” to obtain good deals.
In trade negotiations, the White House wants to put pressure on other countries to increase the prices of brand-name drugs, with the expectation that pharmaceutical companies would then lower prices here at home.
America’s trading partners “need to pay more because they’re using socialist price controls, market access controls, to get unfair pricing,” said Mr. Azar, a former top executive at the drugmaker Eli Lilly and Company. “And they’re doing it on the backs of their patients. God help you if you get cancer in some of these countries.”
Other nations, also struggling with high drug prices, scorned Mr. Trump’s advice on this issue.
“Drug manufacturers in the United States set their own prices, and that is not the norm elsewhere in the world,” a spokesman for the 28-member European Union said on Friday. “E.U. member states have government entities that either negotiate drug prices or decide not to cover drugs whose prices they deem excessive. No similar negotiating happens in the U.S.”
6 Takeaways From Trump’s Plans to Try to Lower Drug Prices
by Katie Thomas - NYT - May 11, 2018
President Trump has the power to sink pharmaceutical stocks with a single jab about high drug prices.
But in a much-anticipated speech on the topic on Friday, Mr. Trump largely avoided the issues the industry fears the most, such as allowing Medicare to directly negotiate drug prices, or allowing Americans to import drugs. Investors noticed: Stocks of major drug companies rose after his speech, as did those of pharmacy benefit managers, or the “middlemen” that Mr. Trump said were getting “very, very rich.”
As the health care world parsed the president’s newly released “blueprint” to lower drug prices, the overarching insight seemed to be this: The drug industry’s formidable lobbyists had won some key victories, even if they did not escape entirely unscathed. Many proposals were light on detail and will need action by Congress to become real.
Yet Mr. Trump won some praise for having taken a stab at tackling such a complex and vitally important issue to many Americans.
Here is a rundown of the key proposals unveiled on Friday.
Lower drug prices for older people
On the campaign trail, Mr. Trump embraced allowing Medicare to negotiate the price of the drugs it buys for older people, an issue traditionally supported by Democrats but long opposed by Republicans — and the powerful drug industry.
Friday’s proposal falls far short of that goal. But it does include some ideas for giving the government better leverage in negotiating with drug companies. It calls for exploring whether to allow Medicare drug plans to pay different amounts for the same drug, depending on the illness involved. And it would experiment with “value-based purchasing” in federal programs, essentially a money-back guarantee in which a drugmaker promises to refund money if a medication does not work as expected. Drug companies and insurers are increasingly entering into these kind of arrangements, although the evidence is far from clear that they lower costs.
The administration also reiterated earlier proposals: making generic drugs free for some low-income older people on Medicare and allowing people to keep a portion of the rebates that are normally pocketed by the insurers that manage the Medicare drug program.
Persuade other countries to pay more
One key proposal would involve pressuring other countries to raise their prices for prescription medicines. Drug prices in the United States are the highest in the world; many countries with centralized health care systems have successfully negotiated lower prices from pharmaceutical companies.
Mr. Trump, echoing the longstanding position of the drug industry, has said these companies are “free-riding” off the ingenuity of American corporations, and that high drug prices in the United States are subsidizing innovation that benefits the whole world.
“We have great power over the trading partners; you’re seeing that already,”
Mr. Trump said on Friday. “America will not be cheated any longer, and especially will not be cheated by foreign countries.”
The Trump administration plans to work with several federal agencies to address what it described as this “unfair disparity.”
But it is unclear whether other countries would be willing to raise their prices, or whether doing so would lead drug companies — which are beholden to shareholders hungry for profit — to lower prices in the United States.
Require drug ads to include the price
Prescription drug commercials are ubiquitous. But what if those ads had to disclose the drug’s price? That is something the Trump administration says it wants to explore.
The idea would certainly grab attention, and fear of a consumer backlash could pressure some drugmakers into dropping their prices.
But the notion poses a lot of issues For one: which price? The list price, which is about what a pharmacy would charge if someone paid for the drug in cash? Or the discounted price that insurers and employers pay? Most consumers have health insurance and pay a much smaller out-of-pocket cost, although that can still add up to thousands of dollars a month.
Other questions include whether such a requirement would survive a First Amendment challenge, and whether posting a high sticker price — which few ultimately pay —
could dissuade patients seeking out a necessary drug.
Finally, drug companies are masterful at distracting viewers from the lengthy list of risks and side effects that is already required by the Food and Drug Administration. Some have
been known to employ noisy brass sections or buzzing bees to de-emphasize the required information. Would the drug’s price similarly fade into the background?
Ban ‘gag clauses’ for pharmacists
Some contracts between pharmacies and pharmacy benefit managers prohibit pharmacists from telling patients when a drug they need would be cheaper if they paid in cash, rather than using their insurance.
“This is a total rip-off, and we are ending it,” Mr. Trump said in his speech on Friday. The administration’s written proposal is more vague, saying that it “may” prohibit these gag clauses in plans for Part D, the Medicare drug program.
End the patent games
Patent protection for new drugs is vital, the industry insists, to allow drugmakers to recoup the millions of dollars invested in researching and developing lifesaving products.
But over the years, the industry has become known for finding new ways to hold on to that patent protection, and with it the power to charge whatever it wants without generic competition.
One recent flashpoint has been the
refusal of some brand-name companies to turn over samples of their drugs to generic drugmakers, effectively preventing competing products from being developed. Republican and Democratic lawmakers have proposed changes that would end this practice but have been unsuccessful.
Trump said on Friday he would rein in this game-playing, saying “our patent system will reward innovation, but it will not be used as a shield to protect unfair monopolies.”
On the horizon
Some of the most theoretical ideas also have the potential to be the most disruptive.
One is to upend the existing rebate system, in which drug companies pay rebates, or discounts, off the list price to insurers and employers. But those rebates are often considered trade secrets, and pharmacy-benefit managers pocket a portion of the rebate for themselves, creating what many have described as perverse incentives that keep drug prices rising.
The Trump administration has said it is examining whether it should consider rebates to be a form of illegal kickback, a change that would likely require congressional action.
After Drug Plan Shows Trump 'Will Do Nothing About Their Greed,' Big Pharma Stocks Soar
by Jake Johnson - Common Dreams - May 11, 2018
"Don't be fooled: President Trump and his administration are bought and paid for by Big Pharma," Brad Woodhouse, campaign director of Protect Our Care, said in a statement. (Photo: Jeannie Baumann/Twitter)
"When big pharmaceutical companies' stocks spike during your big reveal on lowering prices, you're doing something wrong," Brad Woodhouse, campaign director of Protect Our Care, said in a statement following Trump's speech on Friday. "Don't be fooled: President Trump and his administration are bought and paid for by Big Pharma."
Topher Spiro, a senior fellow at the Center for American Progress, argued that a major reason pharma stocks rose as Trump formally announced his plan is because the president placed blame for high U.S. drug prices on the low prices in nations with "socialized healthcare"—exonerating American drug giants from any blame for soaring costs.
Instead of tackling high U.S. prices, Trump effectively promised to work to "boost prices abroad," which is the drug industry's "number one priority," Spiro notes.
The Simple, Obvious, Time Tested Way to Reduce Drug Costs
by Bob Laszewski - Health Care Policy and Marketplace Review - May 11, 2018
I give the President great credit for shining his spotlight on the ridiculous place the U.S. finds itself over drug prices. They are way too high, the private market has proven incapable of dealing with it––PBMs have only made the drug market more opaque, and the biggest drug purchaser in the world, the U.S. government, has been politically unwilling to deal with it.
All while other industrialized countries have nowhere near the problem.
What is even more frustrating is to see an easy solution that has worked for years in these other industrialized countries that, rather than being a single-payer government-run solution, is as American-style free market as it could be.
Would any major U.S. corporation spend loads of money on procurement without first going out to bid on both price and performance? Would the Pentagon buy a new ship or aircraft system without going out to bid on both price and capability? Would the U.S. General Services Administration put up a new government office building without first bidding it out to determine which contractor would construct the best facility for the price?
So, if we are looking for market-based solutions to the high cost of prescription drugs, we need look no further than the government-run health care systems in France, Canada, Germany, the U.K., and others.
Rather than pointing the finger at these other nations that "pay too little" for their drugs and then condemn them for it, we might first recognize that they are out marketeering the United States.
These foreign bureaucrats are making American capitalists look like little leaguers when it comes to keeping drug prices under control!
What these other countries have in common is that they use a system called reference-based pricing. While there are differences among them, they generally use the market to set a reference price for each prescription drug that also takes clinical results into consideration––it could be the lowest price from a range of alternative drugs in a class (Italy), an average of all of the drugs in a class (Germany), or an average of a group of the lowest priced players (Spain). The health care system then pays no more than the reference price for a drug in the class no matter which pharmaceutical company the consumer and their physician decide to use.
In the end, the market sets the price and innovation is still rewarded by paying the price the most competitive player wants to charge.
In such a competitive bidding process prices and drug outcome results are completely competitive and fully transparent. If a patient and their doctor want to pay more for an alternative drug, because they think it will do a better job for a particular patient, they know all of the prices and the comparative clinical outcomes upfront. If a drug company is truly able to innovate for an existing class of drug, that drug could be placed in a new class––innovation is still rewarded.
The value of reference-based pricing is limited until there is more than one competitor in a class––drug companies are still rewarded for blockbuster breakthroughs.
But when more than one player comes to market in the same drug class, they compete based both on price and clinical outcomes.
How much more American could that be?
Why does this have to be so hard?
California Doctors Aim to Educate 100,000 Patients & Their Physicians to Support Single Payer
Common Dreams - May 11, 2018
Doctors’ state strategy meeting to follow on Sunday, May 20 at the Hyatt LAX.
Sacramento, CA - A group of California doctors have placed a first-of-its-kind 8-page
publication in today’s Sacramento News and Review with the aim of educating patients – and their physicians - about why a single payer plan, also known as “Improved Medicare for All,” is needed in California and nationally. The California chapter of Physicians for a National Health Program (PNHP) fundraised over $20,000 from local members to print 100,000 copies of the pull-out ad, which they are urging patients to use to “talk to their doctors about single payer.”
“We don’t have the deep pockets of the insurance industry or the pharmaceutical industry, which Californians may recall spent $109 million two years ago to defeat a ballot measure to reduce drug prices, but we are determined to get the facts about single payer out in Sacramento and across the country,” said Dr. Paul Song, a radiation oncologist, President of the California Chapter of PNHP and a co-author of the publication. Dr. Song frequently volunteers his time to speak on health reform to physician and other groups.
“Drug companies spent $280 million last year to stop Congress from regulating drug prices like other nations, and $6.1 billion annually advertising their products directly to consumers, frequently ending with the tag line ”talk to your doctor,” continued Dr. Song. “We want patients to talk to their doctors about how single payer could dramatically reduce drug costs and allow patients to choose their physicians without co-pays, deductibles, and outrageous out-of-network bills,” Dr. Song said.
The ad includes articles by four California physicians describing how single payer would put doctors back in charge of patient care, reduce bureaucracy, and provide comprehensive care with no out-of-pocket costs. A recent study by economist Robert Pollin found that single payer legislation in California (SB 562) would cover everyone and cost $37 billion less than what Californians are already spending on health care. The Public Policy Director of National Nurses United, Michael Lighty, also contributed an article.
“There’s a lack of informative, accurate coverage of single payer in the mainstream media,” said Dr. Bill Bronston, chair of the Sacramento Chapter of PNHP. “This 8-page
publication was drafted by doctors to arm patients and physicians with the tools they need to be effective advocates for a system that provides high quality care but doesn’t bankrupt the sick or the U.S. economy. “
Keith McCallin, an activist in the Sacramento chapter of PNHP, and Dr. Bronston distributed copies of the pull-out to every member of the Californian legislature yesterday in advance of today’s publication. Republican legislators and staffers were particularly interested in the benefits to business of a single payer program. “As a matter of fact, Berkshire Hathaway investors Warren Buffett and Charlie Munger have endorsed single payer for its ability to control runaway health care costs, describing health care as a “tapeworm” on the economy,” McCallin said.
California PNHP members will be gathering for an all-day meeting on Sunday, May 20 at the Hyatt Regency LAX to discuss the path forward. Rep. Keith Ellison, chief sponsor of single payer legislation in the House, HR 676, will be speaking via Skype. All interested physicians are invited.
A true feel-good experience - Ellsworth American
A true feel-good experience
Dear Editor: A small businessman, a retired physician, a legislator and a former nurse walked into a bar … well, not a bar, but a recent meeting at the Deer Isle Town Hall. Much as I don’t care for meetings, this one recently made me feel good about my fellow citizens.
The subject was the strategy for dealing with the out-of-control relationship between health care costs and health insurance costs. Joe Lendvai, small businessman, founding member of Maine AllCare, and Lynn Cheney of Blue Hill, Maine AllCare Downeast Chapter leader, joined Dr. Jeff Milliken and our own Walter Kumiega for a most informative panel discussion. They described the efforts of Maine AllCare, a committee of conservatives and liberals working together to craft a response for Maine. See the website www.maineallcare. org to learn about how we might get publicly funded universal coverage under a more efficient system the way all other industrialized countries are doing these days.
Just as we pay as a group for the costs of our roads, police, fire protection and education, so we could rearrange things with a simpler system so that health insurance costs — even before mentioning healthdisasters — don’t threaten our families, small businesses and independent contractors with financial ruin. Our small rural hospitals need not be threatened with bankruptcy due to unreimbursed emergency room visits from the uninsured. Our family physicians could spend their time on their patients, not the costly paperwork and a hassle of negotiating with insurance companies.
What do we do right now, at the moment while details are being worked out? We can all inform ourselves at the website, question closely the candidates in the forthcoming mid-term elections, and immediately support lowering the age for Medicare to 50. These are potential steps before we even get to the thorny question of how to deal with the private insurance companies and Big Pharma lobbies. Apparently California and New York states are poised to adopt a single-payer plan and it’s up to us to make sure New England is not far behind.
Do you want these generous good citizen volunteers to come make a presentation to your group? Contact them at info@maineallcare. org and feel good about yourself.
Marnie Reed Crowell Sunset
Thousands of elderly, disabled face eviction from Louisiana nursing homes over Medicaid cuts
by David Begnaud - CBS News - May 9, 2018
BATON ROUGE, La. -- In Louisiana, tens of thousands of elderly and disabled people could soon lose their Medicaid benefits because the state faces a budget shortfall of more than $500 million.
Eviction notices are going out Thursday to thousands in nursing homes and group homes.
Betty Waller, 89, is a polio survivor and lives in a nursing home in Baton Rouge. Her life savings pays for part of her care, but Medicaid is needed for the rest.
"I won't be living under a bridge somewhere, but still it's a really scary thing," she said.
On July 1, she could be one of about 37,000 people in the state who will lose their Medicaid eligibility if the state doesn't balance its budget.
Jim Tucker runs 12 nursing homes in the capitol and 800 of his patients could be told to leave.
"It has the potential to kill people," Tucker said.
"I'm not scaring anybody by design," said Gov. John Bel Edwards. "The cuts are so catastrophic we shouldn't contemplate them but as we sit here the legislature has failed to act in a fiscal session last year and a special session this year."
Republican Rep. Cameron Henry is head of the Appropriations Committee in the Louisiana House, and he says they want a budget that is sustainable over the long term. He says Republicans may be willing to pass a tax the governor wants.
We asked Waller, the Baton Rouge resident, what she would tell lawmakers contemplating the cuts.
"It was something I never thought would be ever taken away," she replied. "I thought it was here forever."
Why does Jim Cook's piece cite a bill which was submitted years ago rather than the one currently before the California legislature?
ReplyDeleteIncidentally, SB 562 does have cost controls written into it, and the financing language (proposals for which have alrady been drafted) was supposed to be added by the Assembly Health Committee--until Speaker Rendon short-circuited the process by placing the bill "in suspension." He doubtless would have done this no matter what the bill said, as his purpose was to spare Gov. Brown the political fallow from vetoing it.